Our School
Sonja Griffin
Assistant Principal
10th, 11th and 12th Grade
Casey Nelan
Assistant Principal
9th grade
We are proud to share with you the traditions of excellence and Peak Performance here in West Irondequoit. IHS is a community of learners in which each student is supported to reach his or her full potential. At IHS, we are preparing students through the three R’s of the 21st century: RIGOR, RELEVANCE and RELATIONSHIPS!
We encourage each student to take an active role in his or her education, to self-advocate, and to take full advantage of all of the opportunities IHS has to offer, including our comprehensive academic offerings, numerous interscholastic sports teams, award-winning music and performing arts programs, co-curricular clubs, and activities.
One of the keys to student academic success is strong home-school communication. When parents and the school share and convey common goals and expectations, students receive a clear, consistent message about the importance of their education. We have established several ways to make this communication as convenient as possible:
All teachers and counselors have individual e-mail and voice mail, accessible on the staff directory link. Parents and teachers are encouraged to initiate contact to share student progress and to address concerns before they become problems.
The Parent Portal offers online access to student grades and attendance information, as well as teacher messages on upcoming assignments and important news. To sign up, parents must come to the main office with photo ID, and will be issued a password (see link below).
The College and Career Center posts its newsletter, The Chronicle, on its Web page each week, including essential information on scholarships, internships, work-study and shadowing opportunities, and assistance with finding employment. Hard copies are distributed to juniors and seniors in homeroom and available to anyone in the College and Career Center.
The leadership team welcomes feedback from parents, students, alumni, and community members. Please feel free to use the links above and below to e-mail us with your questions, comments, and suggestions.
Art Coordinator, Mrs. Suzanne Jacobs send mail
Business Contact Teacher, Mr. Lou DiCesare send mail
Director of Athletics, Mr. Brendan O'Toole send email
Counseling Center Contact, Mrs. Whitney Raymo send mail